Trauma Therapy
Do You Struggle With Feelings Of Shame?
Are you dealing with the effects of unresolved trauma or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Whenever you are triggered by certain situations that remind you of a disturbing memory, do you experience flashbacks, nightmares, or panic attacks? If traditional talk therapy hasn’t helped in the past, are you considering alternative treatments for trauma and PTSD, such as Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) or attachment-focused trauma therapy?
As much as you try to get through each day with a positive attitude, maybe you feel like you’re always running on empty. The symptoms related to unresolved trauma—anxiety, depression, shame, anger, and disconnection—prevent you from living to your full potential.
The Impact of Trauma Can Make It Hard To Feel Safe And Secure
Even though intellectually, you may recognize your issues are related to trauma, you can’t seem to silence the negative voice in your head that believes something is wrong with you. If you experience recurring triggers that remind you of traumatic events, it may feel impossible to ever feel safe. Waiting for the other shoe to drop could affect your relationships, hindering your ability to establish trust, vulnerability, and closeness with others.
Although you may have tried to address your trauma in therapy before, perhaps you still struggle with internalized shame and the sense that something inside you is broken. If you are open to alternative approaches to treatment, counseling that incorporates EMDR, attachment theory, mindfulness, and somatic approaches can be particularly helpful in resolving trauma and PTSD.
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The Impact Of Trauma Isn’t Always Well Understood
A study conducted in 2013 reported that “89.7 people of people surveyed in the United States have experienced some type of traumatic event.” [1] Anyone can experience trauma at any time. No one is immune, regardless of age, socioeconomic class, or geographic location.
Although society acknowledges the importance of mental health more than it once did, trauma is still not well understood. Many of us only associate trauma and PTSD with life-threatening, “Big T” events, such as living through warfare, natural disasters, or car accidents. Although “little t” trauma is far more common and insidious, we often minimize or dismiss its impact.
Sometimes, it’s what wasn’t said or done—especially in childhood—that leaves the most lasting impact on us. For instance, a lack of nurturing from our caregivers or strained relationships with romantic partners can cause more subtle forms of trauma that go undetected but still cause emotional pain.
We Often Compare Ourselves To Others
Sadly, we often make the mistake of comparing our experiences to others. We may conclude that what we lived through wasn’t traumatic and, therefore, doesn’t warrant therapy. Or perhaps we feel ashamed for letting something that happened such a long time ago continue to haunt us. If we try to repress the difficult feelings that have never gone away, we may resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms—such as substance use—to self-medicate and numb our pain.
Fortunately, tapping into your courage and self-compassion in trauma therapy can bring about lasting healing. Working with a counselor helps you recognize and resolve trauma or PTSD so that you can become more connected, focused, and engaged in life.
Therapy Can Help You Come To Terms With Trauma And PTSD
If you have been let down by therapy in the past, you might feel frustrated and discouraged. However, as a therapist who specializes in trauma and PTSD, I want to instill hope that with the right treatment, transformation is possible.
By offering evidence-based modalities that have been shown effective for treating trauma, not only can I help you desensitize triggers and integrate new meaning into your experiences but also change the stories you tell about yourself. Working through trauma allows you to embrace your story and let go of the negativity and shame.
What To Expect From Trauma Counseling
First and foremost, successful trauma therapy is all about ensuring our therapist-client relationship is solid and that I provide you with a safe space to get vulnerable and let your defenses down. I aim to earn your trust and model a curious, non-judgmental environment in therapy where you feel comfortable exploring your past, whether by looking at childhood trauma or experiences that occurred in more recent relationships. I can also invite a certified therapy dog into our sessions to provide you with gentle and calming emotional support.
Once we’ve established trust and comfort, we will collaborate on a holistic approach that integrates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to build positive experiences. We can talk about augmenting treatment with medication, which may serve as one piece of the puzzle on your healing journey but not the sole solution.
The Modalities I Use In Trauma Therapy
As a trauma specialist, I have received advanced training in EMDR therapy, an evidence-based treatment that, by stimulating the brain bilaterally, can help process disturbing memories that have become stuck. Through a gentle, non-invasive process such as eye movements or tapping, you can access your brain’s ability to heal from trauma. For childhood trauma, we may include attachment-focused therapy to explore your early relationships and how they impacted how you relate to others.
Although some therapy focuses on the neck up, somatic work looks at how trauma affects both the brain and body. Receiving psychoeducation about the body’s nervous system will ensure you are utilizing the body as an ally and can tap into its healing power. Once you have internal awareness of your somatic triggers, you can more successfully ward off panic attacks and other physical responses to trauma. Additionally, trauma-informed mindfulness can teach you techniques for connecting mind and body to stay calm, present, and grounded.
You are the ultimate expert in your recovery. My goal is to guide you to the solutions you have within to heal. Shifting the narrative you have created for yourself and embracing what happened without shame, negativity, or judgment can help you tap into your resiliency. This change in outlook will open you up to healing and growth, creating space for you to follow a new path.
But Maybe You’re Not Sure If Trauma Therapy Is Right For You…
I worry that I will become reliant on trauma counseling and not be able to handle my issues without being in therapy.
I'm a strong advocate for self-healing, providing you with the skills and knowledge you will need to eventually graduate from trauma treatment. As you progress through therapy, your self-confidence will increase and you will have a clearer understanding of where you have been and where you are headed. Trauma and PTSD therapy requires a willingness to go outside of your comfort zone to find long-term solutions that will work for you. I will collaborate with you to ensure you leave therapy equipped with the tools to securely navigate the world.
In addition to attending trauma therapy, should I also be taking medication for my symptoms?
The decision to take medication is a personal one. Although medication may be beneficial in helping you stabilize your mood or alleviate unwanted symptoms, not everyone who suffers from trauma requires medication. As a trauma therapist, I do not prescribe medications but you can discuss your concerns with your primary care provider or psychiatrist.
I already have a full schedule and don’t think I have time for trauma treatment.
Understandably, life is hectic, and you may have a lot on your plate. However, prioritizing your mental health is an important investment in your well-being. For trauma therapy to be its most effective, it requires a level of commitment on your part. To gain momentum and witness incremental progress from week to week, I recommend that you schedule sessions at least once every other week.
You Have The Ability To Heal From Trauma
It would be my honor to help guide you through your healing journey. To find out more about trauma therapy with Kairo Counseling Services, please call or text 719-399-5543 or visit my contact page.